I started testing some techniques I found online about time management. There were some great ideas, like the using of Freedom (app to cut internet) and GTD (Getting Things Done). But I simply couldn't deal with them. In fact, they all got me even more anxious. I decided to select specific ideas from different sites and authors and, little by little, create my own sense of organization. I got into this in mid-2013, but only now I can say I actually have a system. Hadn't it been for all these things, I'd never been able to do all the things I achieved last year, nor would I have gone through this last semester at college without having a mental breakdown.
This month I had to handle two papers; me-from-the-past would probably have written anything in the very last three days before the deadline, just out of desperation. However, I was able to get everything ready in the very week before! It was still quite difficult and stressful, as I was actually trying to make a good work - so, in the end, the all the time I spent in it turned into something became very satisfied with. I wouldn't have done it without my personal system and my sweet and very helpful planner.
My cute 2015 planner :3 |
But before actually giving the tips for you guys, I'll link some important sites that helped me a lot in developing this system; they were also crucial for me to start seeing some aspects of my life and of others in a different light.
- zen habits, by Leo Babauta; there are texts about productivity, minimalism, and ideas for getting some peace of mind.
- Vida Organizada (in Portuguese), by Thais Godinho; this was the first site about organization that I came across, and I can safely say I wouldn't be the same today if I hadn't discovered it in that time of my life.
- The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg, has some awesome ideas for those who are in need of a change in lifestyle.
- Getting Things Done, by David Allen; I actually haven't read the book, only some texts out there about how his system works. I don't really fit the style of someone using it, but it is really good, and I even took a couple of his ideas to use on my daily life.
- The "planners" tag on tumblr is awesome for inspiration!
That's it for now, then. Stay tuned for part 2: how to write your papers!
(Seriously, if it wasn't for this little guide I created, I wouldn't be okay by now)
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