domingo, 30 de novembro de 2014

Book Buying vs Reading

You know those people who buy so many books they practically become hoarders? I used to be like that. Let me make it clear that I don't wanna judge anyone's lifestyle, book buying habits, etc. I just wanna tell how and why I do not fit this style anymore, and that avoiding this collector's life has improved my life and my readings.

Well, I've been a great fan of books since my childhood. At school, I was always the-bookish-girl. I would not only read, but also reread many times the ones that were most dear, and there would always have something new to be learnt. But then I finally got to an age in which I no longer needed my mom to take me everywhere; I started buying things by myself, and somehow I think I mistook the pleasure of reading with collecting all these interesting volumes.

I'd not only buy a lot of books on bookstores - I'd also get many for free with friends that were giving away their collections, for example. My parents were so proud of this consumerism and accumulation on my part, cause oh, they had such a smart girl, right? When in fact what was happening at this time was me getting 10, 15 books per month and only reading two or three - with some sacrifices, four - from my entire collection. There was a point in which my to-read list was insanely long. And we did not even talk about my e-reader, which contained lots of free e-books, fanfictions from AO3, and many articles that had once been waiting to be read on my internet bookmarking file. Too much to read, too little time; simply thinking about its length made me feel a bit tired already.

It took me a while to realize how compulsively I was acting. When the space at home and money available started running out, I finally woke up, and one day I put myself on a sort of book buying ban. As this consuming had long become a habit, I knew I wouldn't be able to just stop buying; the impact would be too hard, and I'd certainly go back to it anyway after some time. I decided to put some meaning in it: I could only buy a book after reading four that were on my shelf.

It was hard to go through it at first, which is normal for a compulsive consumer, I suppose. But after some months the feeling of need to acquire new things started going away, and I was definitely reading more. I stopped using my time with going on the bookstore for that book that sounded so promising and/or everyone loved, and focused more on reading the pile I'd acquired during that couple of years. Because of this, I also realized how I didn't have any interest whatsoever in some of those books; the excitement over them had run out. I decided to sell and donate them, and others which I had read that I didn't plan on rereading. I would only keep the books that were really meaningful to me.

Today, I practically don't buy books if we compare with me-from-the-past. When I do, it's because it's not available on the local libraries, and I read it immediately most of the times. Sometimes I do buy books in order to also keep them as collection (eg. The World of Ice and Fire), but it's a meaningful one, you know. I have to say: it's such a relief to see a small to-read list! You know that you can finish it, you get excited about it, and so you look for it. I've also deleted a bunch of docs and Amazon samples on my e-reader, and now I only have stories and texts that I know why I wanna read. It's quite a great sense of freedom, to focus on just a few things.

I'm still on the buying ban though, just to make sure I won't fall for that black hole again. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a bit alone in this kind of thinking, cause I see many friends of mine that love buying books for many different reasons but never get to reading them...  There is a video by Ariel Bisset which sums up perfectly how I feel about this habit - which I mostly believe I grew out of. And if you understand Portuguese, I definitely recommend this text (in Portuguese) that also deals with bookish minimalism.

quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014

Parking Lot

"It was the third time she was counting down from ten to zero, but it was impossible to chill out. Do people usually lock up parking lots like that, without checking if anybody was still there? Because they didn’t this time, or else poor Clara wouldn’t be there in the first place. A better question to ask is: do people from this supermarket actually check if things are all right before going home?

Yes, she wasn’t supposed to have fallen asleep inside her car when there were only twenty minutes left for the store to be closed. However, that doesn’t mean they should have left her to die inside that enormous place, full of awful groceries and no actual food available. Not to count with the completely lack of light and internet or phone connection. Also, the air-conditioning was turned off. For obvious reasons, of course, but it was so damn hot inside...

She had already tried going downstairs and try leaving through some window inside the supermarket, as there was no exits escape from inside the parking lot. Unfortunately, there were no apparent exits inside the shop either – the emergency ones were locked as well!! Of course, the people working here should and must leave this place impossible to be infiltrated by the outside, but not from the inside. They really should rethink their freaking architecture. 

Clara’s flashlight stopped working. And she was out of new batteries. All that was left for her was to crouch, hug her head to her knees and start sobbing. She had no vision, no clean bathroom, no good place for sleeping, and no good food available for dinner. Or breakfast, whatever. Wait, what breakfast was she thinking about?

Turning on her cell phone (what’s the point of keeping it on if it had no use inside that place?), she realized it was almost six in the morning. And the store opens at 7AM!! Wow, she must have slept a lot…

Well, if there was only an hour left for waiting, it was useless and too tiresome to try a way out. It would be better to go back to the car and wait there. Relax a little, breath calmly, and get out as soon as the gates from the parking lot open. Well, only if the supermarket does as well…

It was Sunday morning. That place opens on Sundays, doesn’t it?



I wrote this tiny piece of fiction based on a childhood terror - mother loves to tell the story about how five-year-old me freaked out when we were at a supermarket and the gates started being closed. I really believed they would keep us there till the morning...

segunda-feira, 17 de novembro de 2014

First Post

One could say I'm quite experienced with blogging. My Tumblr is going to be a four-year-old site in a couple of months - I've been taking really good care of it; However, I'm initiating my fifth blog in three years! And yet I still don't know exactly what I should write for the first post. I do know how to use gadgets, though; the appearance of this site is all done. Let us see if I'll be able to do what really matters, which is to keep this thing updated.

I've kept a nice blog in Portuguese (my first language) that lasted till this year, but it had long gone to the bottom of my to do list. In the meantime, I've made some attempts at keeping a personal site in English, but none of them lasted more than three months. But I'll try it again; Writing used to be a minor hobby of mine, but since I became a college student, I have grown used to this activity. I feel the urge to write from time to time, but I usually don't have a good topic, don't know what to do, and that usually leads to a minor crisis in my head. I don't know to write out of nothing, I need to turn to something else, and it can't be always college. (even though I'm doing what I want, in that "follow your dreams!" stuff).

Anyway, what should you expect to find here? Unambitious texts and thoughts of a simple girl/young woman. About books, TV shows, fictional characters, and any other topic I feel like writing about. It's not meant to be famous or anything; but feel free to send suggestions or any other message you want. My twitter is @_lizziebeer (most of the time I tweet in Portuguese); and my tumblr has the same same of this blog.

That's it, I think. Do make yourself at home! :)