domingo, 28 de dezembro de 2014

My 3 TV faves of 2014

For me, this was not a good year concerning television. Not because I didn't watch anything good - in fact, the shows in the list below are now some of my favorites ever. Still, I think I unlearned how to watch them. I used to marathon seasons, but nowadays I can hardly watch a single episode without getting bored and checking twitter every couple of minutes. Same goes for movies; I even canceled my Netflix account -  I wasn't using it anymore! Such a pity...

Still, these shows are the ones that could get me really hooked, and I recommend them to anyone.

  • Orphan Black
I got curious about it because 1) many friends of mine were loving it, 2) it was on Netflix and 3) I wanted to see the woman who could play 10 characters at the same time (it reminded me of Fringe, I guess). Conclusion: I was amazed on the very first episode. 

The story is greatly developed and very intriguing, but what makes love it the most is how it deviates from most sci-fi dramas: first of all, we have many women as main characters. They may have the same face, but each one has her own life, personality, backstory, and reasons for how they act. There's also the great LGBT representation by treating these characters as, guess what, actual characters, and not as some kind of parody. They are all important to the story, and their sexuality is just what they are, simple as that. I crave for a time in which we will always have this.

There are so much awesomeness about this show that there's no space here to talk about everything; there's also the amount of spoiler one can get by a simple synopsis. It's best to check it on your own, I guarantee it's more than worth it. 

  • Fargo 
Yes, I only watched this show because of Martin Freeman. Also because it was really short, so I could check the hype real quick. And how great it was! Very unpredictable story, intriguing characters - there was no space to pause and check twitter, you know. 

Something I deeply admired was the directing; the whole show is very neatly constructed, not only in plot but also in scenario and filming. If you've watched it, you'll remember the episode in which Lorne Malvo shoots everyone in a building - it's TV, but that scene was worth and Oscar for me. I want to watch it all again only to admire these constructions.

There were some things I really disliked: surprisingly enough, Lorne was one of them. I don't like those characters that act and think in such a gruesome way just because. Surely the story wants you to hate him, but I missed some backstory, I guess. However, we have characters that compensate this - I freaking loved Lester for his thousands shades of grey, that make us cheer for his success and wish for him to get what he deserves at the same time.

Looking forward for season two - though a bit disappointed because apparently there will be a new cast. Though I guess it's safe to say they'll get good people - all actors in season one were truly outstanding.

  • A Young Doctor's Notebook
By far, my favorite of 2014. I can't say it's better than the two above, but it was definitely the one that affected me the most. Sadly, it is a very underestimated show, and I wish there were more people appreciating it as much as I do... 

The story of a spoiled young man who has to move from the sweet lights of Moscow to the cold, dark countryside of Russia. Be a doctor for people oh-so-much-less-below himself. Simple plot that leads to a good variety of critical thinking about pride, government attitude, education and lack of it. It also gives way to lots of hilarious scenes that are also pretty gruesome - by the way, I guess I'd not  recommend this show for people who can't deal well with dark comedy... 

I also got really attached to all characters. Anna, Pelageya, the Feldsher, three great supporting characters that were sadly so despised by the doctor, to whom I still feel a mix of love and hate. The interaction between the old and the young versions of the same person was absolutely fantastic - had it not been made this way, the show would be entirely different. Jon Hamm and Daniel have a chemistry in screen I hadn't seen in ages, and I almost wish a third season even though there is no story to be told anymore, just to see them together as this stupid, ignorant doctor again. I hate it how much I relate to him... 

(By the way, let me just add how I love that Daniel can still play a 17-year-old boy)

So, that was it. Feel free to talk if you've also watched these shows! I already made a list of the shows I want to be watching in 2015; and yes, these three are in it too, just in case I feel like watching something I know I'll enjoy.

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